If I Could Start In Business All Over


Starting your own business, or trying to write your own book, we get caught up with doing and working; we forget our other relationships, health, and friendships.


It might be best to foster relationships in the same environment you are trying to start with. You gain insight, knowledge, and collaboration with people who are already successful in the field or market you are trying to grow in. This collaboration helps you grow faster.


It Is Better To Give Than To Receive


Focus on giving more than receiving. Grow seeds of friendships and relationships. By this I mean give more of your time to help others, share information, foster a community of collaborators and mentors. This will make any venue you start easier to conquer.


Starting off we learn so  much information and try to retain most of it. Instead of keeping it, we should share our knowledge with others. Focus on being a better person, doing more for others, instead of doing for yourself only. Watch other leaders closely, you will that they mentor and help others.


Remember That Relationships Matter


When you're starting a new venture, don’t forget your relationships or your health. Don’t lose focus of those things, keep them close and share freely with others. Give more than you are receiving and the rewards will follow.


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P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you get more clients, more impact and more time:


1.  Connect with coaches who are scaling too -

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2.  Join us on our next 'CLIENTS WITH PREMIUM OFFER' Group Program - 

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3.  Work with me and my team privately -

If you would like to work directly with me and my team to take your business growth from ordinary to extraordinary and multiply your impact, speed and quality... just send me a message here and put "Private" in text message... let me know the important details about your business and what you'd like to work on together, and I'll get you all the details!

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